
Sinus Surgery in Oklahoma City, Ok

Dr. Edward El Rassi is a board-certified sinus surgeon with fellowship training in rhinology and skull base surgery. Dr. Rassi is highly expereciend in diagnosing and treating a range of sinus conditions, he is one of four sinus surgeons that are fellowship trained in skull base surgery. He will perform a diagnostic test and then guide you to the best treatment, call our office to schedule an appointment today!

When is Sinus Surgery Necessary for Treatment?

Sinus Surgery can be a treatment option for several different sinus conditions. Dr. El Rassi may recommend sinus surgery if:

  • Acute sinusitis hasn’t responded to other treatments, like antibiotics.
  • You have a chronic sinus infection, an infection that lasts eight weeks or longer.
  • You suffer from recurring sinus infections.
  • Nasal polyps or sinus allergies have caused swelling of the sinuses.

How to Prepare Before Sinus Surgery

In preparation for your surgery, Dr. El Rassi may prescribe a preoperative regimen of medications for you in order to optimize the condition of your sinuses for surgery. The medications may include antibiotics and/or oral steroids. If any preoperative medications are deemed necessary by Dr. El Rassi, please be sure to start the medications on the appropriate day and to adhere closely to the prescription. In addition, you should avoid taking the following medications for at least 10 days prior to surgery: aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil), naproxen (Aleve), other non-steroidal antiinflammatories (NSAIDS), vitamin E (multivitamin is OK), ginko biloba, garlic (tablets) and ginseng. These medications can thin the blood and create excessive bleeding both during surgery and in the postoperative period. Tylenol is safe and may be taken anytime up to the day of surgery. St. John’s wort should also be avoided for 2 weeks prior to surgery because of possible interactions with anesthesia medications. If you smoke, it is critical that you stop smoking for at least 3 weeks prior to surgery and at least 3 weeks after surgery. Smoking during this critical window can seriously interfere with the success of the operation, resulting in excessive scarring and failure of the operation. Your primary care physician can help direct you to the resources to assist you with smoking cessation.

Finally, it is important that you inform your primary care physician that you are planning to have sinus surgery. Your primary care physician can be of great assistance in helping to make sure that you are medically cleared for surgery. Most of the necessary preoperative testing will be performed here at OU Medicine, but occasionally old records will be requested from your primary care physician. We will make every effort to keep your primary care physician informed regarding your medical status both before and
after your surgery. 

Sinus Surgery

If your sinus symptoms persist despite medication, sinus surgery may be an option. The goal of surgery is to enlarge the inflamed or blocked sinus airways in order to increase airflow and reduce the potential for infection. Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) surgeons look inside the sinuses through the nasal opening using a small instrument, called an endoscope. They enlarge the sinuses by removing inflamed bone and tissue that block the airflow and passages. This permits the sinuses to drain more naturally, prevents the accumulation of pus and mucus, and reduces infection.

While surgery provides benefit to many patients, inflammation and scarring can take place, diminishing the impact of surgery or causing symptoms to return.

The PROPEL® sinus stent is clinically proven to improve the results of sinus surgery.  The PROPEL stent is placed at the time of surgery and delivers anti-inflammatory medication directly to the sinuses. This reduces the need for additional post-operative surgeries and oral steroids.1  

Please click the PROPEL sinus stent link in the navigation menu to learn more.

Sinuses - Healthy

Healthy sinuses with normal drainage

Sinuses - Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis blocks the drainage

Sinuses - After Surgery

Sinus surgery restores the natural drainage



1. Kennedy DW, Wright ED, Goldberg AN. Objective and subjective outcomes in surgery for chronic sinusitis. Laryngoscope. 2000; 110(3):29-31.

The PROPEL sinus implants are intended for use following sinus surgery to maintain the sinus openings and to locally deliver a drug to the sinuses: PROPEL for use in the ethmoid sinus, PROPEL Mini for use in the ethmoid sinus and frontal sinus opening and PROPEL Contour for use in the frontal and maxillary sinus openings. The products are intended for use in patients ≥18 years of age. These products are not intended for people who are allergic to the drug (mometasone furoate) or to certain polymers. Safety and effectiveness of the implant in pregnant or nursing females have not been studied. Risks may include, but are not limited to, pain/pressure, movement of the implant (within or out of the sinus), possible side effects of the drug, infection, and nose bleed. For more information on the risks and benefits of PROPEL sinus implants, please talk to your doctor. The FDA approved labeling can be found at Rx only.  

INTERSECT ENT and PROPEL are registered trademarks of Intersect ENT, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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What Can you Expect During Surgery?

In most cases, you will receive general anesthesia for your surgery. With a general anesthetic, you will be asleep for the entire procedure. However, if you have a preference for local anesthesia, please let Dr. El Rassi know as this may also be an option in some cases. After your surgery is completed, you will spend about one hour in the recovery room, followed by an additional recovery period of 1-2 hours in the outpatient surgery unit. Most patients feel well enough to go home the day of surgery. Some patients may require a one night stay in the hospital if they need additional recovery time or if they have other medical problems that require special medical attention. A full list of risks associated with sinus surgery can be found here. You will most likely go home without nasal packing. 

Types of Sinus Surgery

The goal of sinus surgery is to reduce the inflammation of the sinuses to improve drainage and treat sinusitis. Sinus surgery is often performed in addition other sinus treatments including medication and nasal sprays or rinses. Dr. El Rassi will discuss necessary care and treatments after sinus surgery.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

The narrow sinus passages that need to be treated are usually determined before endoscopic sinus surgery. During the surgery, a small telescope is used to view the nose and sinuses. The sinus channels that are blocked are then enlarged by the removal of obstructive or abnormal sinus tissues. The nasal septum can be straightened as well. With your sinus passages opened, sinus infections are reduced because fluid is able to drain naturally.

Image Guided Endoscopic Surgery

In some cases, the endoscopic sinus surgery may be done using image guidance technology. CT scans are combined with real-time information to help sinus surgeons navigate through the sinus passages. This provides a more precise visual of the surgical procedure and reduces the risk of damaging the eye, brain, or arteries.

Balloon Sinuplasty

Another procedure commonly done to open the nasal passages is Balloon Sinuplasty. During this minimally invasive sinus procedure, the narrowed sinuses are expanded with a balloon. The balloon is first positioned in the blocked sinus passage and then inflated to widen the walls of your sinuses. After the balloon is removed, your sinuses are able to drain and the sinusitis is usually treated successfully.

What to Expect After Sinus Surgery?

For most patients, the first postoperative visit occurs one week after surgery. Your visit schedule will be determined by Dr. El-Rassi and will usually consist of 3 visits over the first 6 weeks. Thereafter, your visits will be spaced a few months apart, depending on how well your sinuses are healing. It is essential that you return for all scheduled followup appointments as careful postoperative care is critical to the success of your surgery. After 3-4 months, most patients’ sinuses have healed completely and visits for maintenance care are then made a few times per year. 

Schedule a Sinus Surgery Consultation in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Mustang, and surrounding cities

With extensive training in performing rhinology and skull base surgery, Dr. Edward El Rassi has been diagnosing and treating otolaryngology conditions in Oklahoma City, OK. If you are seeking a sinus specialist call (405) 271-1368.