
Rhinitis Treatment in Oklahoma City, OK

If you are in need of exceptional rhinitis treatment in Oklahoma City, OK, Dr. Edward El Rassi is here to help. As a highly experienced ENT doctor, Dr. El Rassi specializes in diagnosing and treating rhinitis for patients in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Mustang, and the surrounding cities. With a commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and treatment methods, Dr. El Rassi ensures that his patients receive the highest quality of care available. Whether you have already been diagnosed with rhinitis or are experiencing its symptoms, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with Dr. Edward El Rassi at our office. Take the first step towards effective treatment for rhinitis and regain control of your health. Call (405) 271-1368 today.

ClariFix Cryotherapy

Chronic rhinitis is frequent inflammation of the nose with symptoms such as a runny nose, nasal congestion and post-nasal drip (mucus in the throat). But what causes it?

While the exact causes are unknown, out-of-balance nasal nerves play a contributing factor. The nerves in your nose transmit signals to your brain regulating all sorts of functions. When these nerves become hyperactive or out of balance, they send more signals than are necessary for the nose to perform its normal jobs, such as protecting the body from infectious agents. This can cause your nose to respond like it’s fighting an illness. The nasal linings will become inflamed (congestion) and mucus production will increase (runny nose), causing these annoying symptoms – even when you aren’t sick.

What Is ClariFix?

ClariFix® Cryotherapy is a safe, clinically proven and minimally invasive treatment that targets the source of your symptoms for lasting relief.

  • Cool Treatment with ClariFix Cryotherapy
  • Cryotherapy is safe
  • Available in-office
  • Minimal recovery time and post-treatment care for most patients
  • May provide long-lasting symptom relief.

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How Does ClariFix Cryotherapy Work?

The ClariFix Cryotherapy device goes straight to the source of the symptoms – the out-of-balance nerves.

Using a minimally-invasive treatment called ‘cryotherapy’, the ClariFix device interrupts the signals from these nerves to reduce your runny, stuffy nose symptoms.

When the cold temperature hits the out-of-balance nerves, the nerve signals are temporarily interrupted. The nerves are no longer telling the nose to drip, run and swell.

What is Chronic Rhinitis?

Chronic rhinitis, a medical condition marked by persistent inflammation of the nasal passages. Postnasal drip, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing are all signs of Chronic rhinitis.

What are the Symptoms?

The Symptoms of chronic rhinitis can vary but normally include:

  • Runny Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Nasal Passage Itchiness 
  • Reduced Sense of Smell

What are the Causes?

Many factors can cause chronic rhinitis, including:

  • Allergies
  • Irritants
  • Fluctuating hormone levels
  • Nose Structural Abnormalities
  • Infections

How is it Diagnosed?

Dr. El Rassi, a healthcare provider, will conduct a thorough and comprehensive evaluation.

  • Nasal Endoscopy
  • Image Studies
  • Allergy Testing
  • Nasal Passage Examination
  • Medical History

Schedule a Rhinitis Consultation in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Mustang and surrounding cities

Are you struggling with rhinitis symptoms and need expert assistance? Look no further than Dr. Edward El Rassi. Dr. Edward El Rassi is board-certified in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery offering comprehensive rhinitis consultations in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Mustang, and surrounding cities. With a commitment to patient care, Dr. El Rassi conducts thorough diagnostic tests to accurately assess your condition and provides personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. Take control of your health today and schedule a rhinitis consultation by calling our office at 405-271-1368. Don’t let rhinitis hold you back – reach out now and experience the relief you deserve.